- philosophical themes -
Edited by A. Calonego
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[Dialegesthai as critical thinking] [Dialegesthai and "Philosphies of Dialogue" ]



Notes on negation and contradiction

SUMMARY: Conflicts are human situations in which we experience the negative force of an opposition. It depends on the different roles a negation actually plays in it, whether a conflict is a contradiction or it is not. Working out these concepts, the article draws some general conclusions about "contradiction" as dynamic core of a living Totality.

The metaphysical myth of everyday language as «the immaturity of Tought»

SUMMARY: The sphere of our everyday life can be regarded or as a chaotic "matter" to be molded and enlightened by reason or as an organism already bearing a "form", though still in embryo, to be "brought to light" by labor of Philosophy. Focusing on the "bringing to light" metaphor, the article tries to show what an ambiguity lies concealed in it.

Su "che cosa č "

SUMMARY: Despite of its technical appearance the "problem of epistemological adequacy" ("Church’s thesis" being the most famous instance of it) meets the major themes of Western Metaphysics. Pursuing this path and exploring what gap there is between a defined term and the term which corresponds to it in a language already in use, the article draws some general implications concerning existence and the intellectual efforts to get hold of its "inner" meaning.

Veritą e ideologia

SUMMARY: The marxian concept of Ideology is here reviewed and revised on a logical thinking base: can it survive the challenge without dropping its distinctive features and loosing its original identity ?


Guest files:

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Graham Priest


"A dialetheia is a true contradiction, a statement, A, such that both it and its negation, ¬A are true. Hence, dialeth(e)ism is the view that there are true contradictions. Dialetheism opposes the so-called Law of Non-Contradiction (LNC) (sometimes also called the Law of Contradiction): for any A, it is impossible for both A and ¬A to be true. Since Aristotle's defence of the LNC, the Law has been orthodoxy in Western philosophy. Nonetheless, there are some dialetheists in the history of Western Philosophy. Moreover, since the development of paraconsistent logic in the second half of this century, dialetheism has now become a live issue once more [ ... ]".
From Stanford Encyclopedia

Witold Marciszewski

Two Leibniz's Legacies

"[ ... ] Let us start from a comparison of Leibniz views to those of Rene Descartes (1596-1650). Why should we start in this way? The answer is as follows. There are two Leibniz's views, to be discussed in this essay, which oppose each other, namely his (i) explicit belief in the possibility of automation of the processes of producing knowledge, and his (ii) implicit questioning of the same possibility because of the role attributed by him to perception as characteristic of organic life [ ...]".
From Mathesis Universalis

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[Dialegesthai as critical thinking ] [ E-mail: dialegesthai@hotmail.com]
[Dialegesthai and "Philosphies of Dialogue" ]

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