As it is known, Locke's view of the association of ideas gave rise, in a parodic form, to much of Tristram Shandy structure.

  • Laurence Sterne,
    Tristram Shandy,
    vol I (1760)

"[ … ] Pray, my dear, quoth my mother, have you not forgot to wind up the clock ? ---- Good G.-- ! Cried my father  [ … ]. It was a very unseasonable question at least, ---- because it scattered and dispersed the animal spirits, whose business it was to have escorted  and gone hand-in-hand  with the HOMUNCULUS, and conducted him safe to the place destined for his reception. [ … ].
My father, you must know, [ …] was, I believe, one of the most regular man in every thing he did. [ … ] As a small specimen of this extreme exacteness of his, to which he was in truth slave, he had made a rule for many years of his life, on the first
Sunday night of every month throughout the whole year, as certain as ever the Sunday night came, to wind up a large house-clock which he had standing upon the back-stairs  head, with his own hands [ … ] -- from an unhappy association of ideas which have no connection in nature, it so fell out al lenght, that my poor mother could never hear the said clock wound up, -----but the thoughts of some other things unavoidably popp'd into her head, ------& viveversa: ----which strange combination of ideas, the sagacious Locke, who certainly understood the nature of these things better than most men, affirms to have produced more wry actions than all other sources of prejudice whatsoever" "